Oil and gas industry

Legal address:

Tashkent city, Almazar district, Mirzo Goliba street, house 7A

Production address:

Tashkent city, Almazar district, Mirzo Goliba street, house 7A






For the first time in world practice, the technology of obtaining composite sorbents and other chemical reagents, which replaces imports, has been developed for the extraction of gold, silver and other rare metals from ore pulp. Composite sorbents were developed on the basis of local raw materials and industrial waste and are used in the metallurgical industry and other sectors of the economy. This product provides selective (sorption) of gold, silver and other rare metals, limits contamination of metal-saturated solutions with foreign impurities, shortens the technological process of extracting gold, silver and other rare metals from ores with soft (soil) components. In addition, it is distinguished by its convenience, low cost, economic efficiency and environmental safety