About Us
Yashnobod Innovative Technopark
It was formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2017 No. UP-5068 “on the creation of an innovative technopark in the Yashnabad district of Tashkent city” and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 5, 2017 No. 468 “On the organization of the activities of an innovative technopark in the Yashnabad district of Tashkent city". Technopark is a technological base for the implementation of regional, scientific, technological and innovative projects. Technopark is a property complex that includes research institutes, industrial facilities, business centers, exhibition venues, educational institutions, as well as service facilities: vehicles, overpasses, settlements and Security service. The International Association of Technoparks defines the object of innovation infrastructure as follows: a technopark managed by specialists of the organization, whose main goal is to improve the welfare of the local population and increase the competitiveness of innovative business and scientific organizations through the development of innovative culture. Technoparks are basically places where innovative ideas are formed. However, technoparks are modern cities of science -it is not only a platform for the introduction of new technologies, but also a place where unique architectural projects are implemented. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2017 No. 5068 “on the creation of an innovative technopark in the Yashnabad district of Tashkent", the innovative technopark "Yashnabad" was created. Currently, residents of the innovative technopark "Yashnabad" are implementing 53 innovative projects in the following areas: Including; fruitful work is being carried out on chemical technologies, biotechnologies, pharmaceutical and medical biotechnologies, plant protection products, agriculture, building materials, information and communication technologies and other areas.

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Our goals
To create favorable conditions for the development of innovation entrepreneurship, which provides for the promotion of innovation, high-tech and science-based products to entrepreneurs at all stages of creation of innovation products, as well as on local and foreign developments and technologies * Transfer of technology of Technopark residents to various sectors of the industry, transfer of modern foreign and local technologies with the organization of production in Technopark territory * Solution of issues of introduction of small and foreign innovation entrepreneurship, teams of scientists and creators of developments into international cooperation, rapid development of export-oriented innovation production * Assistance in establishing effective public-private partnership in the field of innovation entrepreneurship, organization of cooperation with higher education and research institutions, including the implementation of joint projects
Our leading team
Texnopark tajribali va fidoiy jamoasi yordami bilan siz o'z innovatsion ishlanmalaringizni hayotga tadbiq qilasiz.
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